A trip that's almost reaching its end! Read along to hear about a rainy day in Louisiana and an eventful New Year's Eve Day.

Day 23:
My family had risen a lot earlier than me yet again because I woke up at around ten. It feels good to sleep in! I slowly got off of my bed and went to brush my teeth. I was truly taking my own sweet time because what’s the rush? My parents made some sunny-side up eggs with some pistolettes (bread) that we got from the Cajun restaurant yesterday. We all ate together and the food was amazing. Perfect way to start the day.
I went outside to take in the weather. Today was a cloudy day with a decent forecast of rain. Downpour was supposed to come soon, so we already knew we’d have to spend most of the day inside.
It started to drizzle so my family darted back inside and settled down. I began to teach my brother some more math because what's a better combination than math and some rain? My parents sat and talked for a little bit until the rain cleared up. When it got a little drier outside, my parents left for a long hike, but my brother and I wanted to sit back at the RV and relax.
After about a couple of hours, my parents came back to the RV, and we all relaxed for some time. The rain cleared up, so we decided to sit outside by the fire pit- it was still cloudy and mysterious, but I enjoyed the fresh air.
A rumble of thunder was the first hint of rain- and a couple minutes in, the rain was not stopping, so we had to jog back to the vehicle which was about 30 feet away. When Bullet came in, I made sure to thoroughly dry him off because he was a hot mess!
As we all sat inside in the rain, we decided to watch a movie, so we got a bunch of blankets and pillows and snuggled up in the bed that’s in the bedroom, and started watching a movie on a laptop. Ironically we chose the movie “RV” which was seemingly perfect to watch!
We all ate some boudin balls for dinner, and I was quite ready for bed after dinner. I changed into my pajamas and climbed up to my bunk. A yawn came to me as a signal, and I shut my eyes before drifting off into another dimension where peace is inevitable and everybody’s happy.
Day 24:
When I woke up today, the car was moving, and I figured that we were on a highway since we were traveling quite fast. I felt the vehicle turn -an exit I assumed- and the RV started to slow down until it came to a complete stop. I got off of my bed and went to brush my teeth. Outside, I could see a small breakfast place, which is where my parents went to pick up some food.
My parents came back with a variety of items- cinnamon buns, pancakes, croissants, toast, coffee, and egg sandwiches. We all sat around the table inside and ate our breakfast.
After our fantastic meal, we continued driving for a while and stopped for gas every couple of hours. We were talking about the new year, and our future.
After about five hours, we started to get hungry for lunch. Time to look for a rest area! We got pretty lucky and found a rest area within one mile. By this time we were in Alabama, and the land around was so different. Trees were towering over us and there was so much greenery. It was a little chilly, but nothing crazy.
We parked at a lovely rest area and started to eat my food. I ate a leftover boudin roll up and some risotto. It was so tasty!
During our clean up process, I went outside to throw out our garbage, and took in the fresh air. It was a cloudy day, and there was a very slight breeze. I could smell the scent of rain. Ah, probably going to rain soon!
We settled back into our home and started moving again. Final destination…Trenton, Georgia!
We talked a lot and played a lot of games while driving. The scenery changed a little as we moved, green trees- to hilly grass which seemed like there were golf courses all around us.
I got really sleepy after some time, so I went up into bed and got some shut-eye for about two hours.
I awoke again with the sound of my parents exiting the vehicle. My brother and I cleaned up while my parents checked into the site.
Once we were finished, my mother started to cook some delicious creamy Alfredo sauce pasta, and my brother and I set up his computer to watch the ball drop.
Two hours left!
Food was ready and everyone was starving— perfect timing yet again!
Twenty minutes left.
I set an alarm for 11:58, so I could countdown with Times Square.
Sixty seconds…
I wished my family quickly…we made it to 2021!!!
Sleep was in my near future, and I closed my eyes and let myself float away.